I think the Pandemic proved that exercise is so important, not only physically. but mentally too. There are so many benefits when it comes to exercise, and here are 5 good reasons we should brake a sweat:

Exercise can help us improve our sleep, with more people on their phones late at night, its hard to switch off, which leads to lack of sleep, exercise helps improve the quality of your sleep, which ultimately helps with our fitness journeys. 

Improved mood, it's proven that just 20 minutes of exercise can boost our happy hormone by 60%, meaning we're happier, healthier and good to be around. 

One of the biggest reasons is our Mental Health, exercise helps us to feel good, good about ourselves, and the rise of Mental Health means more and more of us need to exercise for that reason, we feel amazing after exercise. 

It beats depression and anxiety - exercise is like a drug, when we train we release endorphins, good endorphins, so the more we do it, the more we beat anxiety and depression leading to happier lives!

It's just been out on the BBC news that strength training as we get older, leads to living longer! We build lean muscle tissue, burn calories at rest, the bodies in a healthier state and we can be around our kids a lot longer. 

Absolutely loved writing this blog, let me know your thoughts!


The Better Body 

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