Mt 5 top tips for a better nights sleep

Mt 5 top tips for a better nights sleep

Tip 1. Try and give the phone a rest an hour or so before bed, the light from your phone projects into our eyes stimulating them, its amazing the amount of people still on there phones late at night. 

Tip 2. Have a glass of water before you go to bed, we dehydrate when we sleep so having a glass of water is so good for us. 

Tip 3. Try and keep your room nice and cool, not too hot, recent studies show that having a room slightly cooler than normal can help us have a more deep and peaceful sleep. 

Tip 4. Get an early nights sleep, you'll feel so much better in the morning after 7-8 hours of shutting the eyes. 

Tip 5. If you have coffee, try decaf, less caffeinated drink before bed the better. 

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